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 Coaching for storytellers too!

Orange Splash
"First Do No Harm"
For those with the courage to look.

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connect the splots
Outside cover

28 Pages
InkFunny from A-Z

  • Information to contemplate

  • Quotes to motivate

  • Illustrations to colorate (the art of coloring outside the lines)

Gadsden snake B&W

Image: http;//

chinese ink splash

Have you always wanted to write with humor and wit? Well, this ain't it!  This is for those who want to color our insane world a new hue. No writing needed, but reading and knowing how to think is.​


Contact me if you want one-on-one personal storytelling coaching. Or not. Serious stories are welcome. Comedy may be tragedy plus time, but sometimes life is simply tragic.
Especially around injuries caused purposely and with malice. To know more, read more.   

First Do No Harm Coloring Book

A to Z

Color what happened
to you
to me.

Box of crayons
Abstract Lights

The people behind the

Karen (not THAT Karen)

"Ms. Information" Kolberg

To meet us is to love us.

 Karen has written over 40 original plays, plus a full-length musical, BLT (Bag Lady Tendencies). She is the author of "The Laughing Classroom," "Positively Mother Goose" and "Oh, The Places You Won't Go" and is the co-founder of ComedySportz. For the past three decades Karen led groups as large as 4,000 in non-competitive play experiences with Playfair. She is a workshop leader for Ex Fabula and has coached over 400 storytellers for the organization. She has just published her new coloring book: "First Do No Harm."


She calls herself a plethora of one. Just don't call her Karen. She is G.K. - Gangsta Karen

I don't know who this is. If you can locate him, let me know. If you want to be him,
let him know. It would be great to have a partner in this chapter of mine, but I have been a solo act for so long, if he showed up, I would quit my job and run off to Hawaii with him to build a bunker, like the Yuckerbergs. What is it about the people with berg in their last names? Maybe Bunkerberg or Buildaburg would help us survive what the Bilderbergs are planning for the world. But I digress.


And if what I said is confusing, then buy my First Do No Harm coloring book to learn more about the bergs in our lives.

Don't cry over spilled ink

Contact Us

Online only 

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The "First Do No Harm" coloring book will be available again soon. You are welcome to contact me here for more information about obtaining a copy (or 10) of it:

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If you're looking for a new way to approach storytelling, contact me here too. If you are a troll, don't bother and go and get some help.  
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